While SeaWorld was shut down for 84 days in 2020, their rescue and rehabilitation team continued to rescue and rehab animals in need. Of the 63 animals that were rescued, 33 have already been...
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The Sea Bunny which in the science world is called the Jorunna parva is a...put on your nerd hat for a second: a dorid nudibranch, a shell-less marine gastropod mollusc in the family Discodorididae....
The simple answer: They do not "glow in the dark" - they transform the light. Wait what? Yes - you read that right, they transform the ocean's blue light into a bright green color like...
When 10 critically endangered Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles and 5 endangered Green Sea Turtles became victims of cold stunning in New England - SeaWorld Orlando stepped up to care for them. Kemp's...
Out of the approximately 50 species of seahorses that are found worldwide, at least 17 of them are found in Australia. Unfortunately Seahorses are considered to be threatened to various degrees...
VIDEO: Scientists Find a Googly-Eyed Stubby Squid on the Ocean Floor and it is Adorable!
The Nautilus Live exploration program discovered a Stubby Squid also known as a Bobtail squid at the depth of 2,950 feet. This squid is native to the northern Pacific Ocean. They are found off the...