Are there mini sharks that you can keep in your aquarium? Yes! Here are the different species of sharks that are considered to be "mini sharks": We'll take a look at each species here shortly -...
Category: Aquarium Shark Guide
I have had this shark pond, which I affectionately call my redneck hot tub, for about 10 years now. I bought a house a little while back and recently finished the room that I wanted to make my pond's...
If you notice that your aquarium shark has developed a bump on their chin, your shark unfortunately has a goiter and needs to be treated for it ASAP. If this bump gets too big, it will prevent the...
Since there are many different species of sharks available in the aquarium trade, let's take a look at each species' reported life expectancy as well as some factors that may allow them to reach or...
Which sharks are best for ponds? Great question! That depends on the size of your pond. So let's first take a look at some pond options and then we will talk about some suitable species for each...
This is the Coral Cat Shark. Yoshi the Coral Cat Shark I have kept a few over the years. They are a very unique looking benthic or bottom dwelling shark. This shark was first discovered in...