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How to Set up an Aquarium Quarantine Tank

Aquarium quarantine tanks are used to monitor new fish or corals and treat sick fish or sick corals. In either situation, it's a good idea to have an established aquarium set up so that in the event...

Are Biodegradable Balloons Safe?

The short answer: Yes and No. Let's take a look at the facts and a few studies so that you can better understand where we are in the process of creating a more consistent biodegradable solution for...

Are Aquarium UV Filters Worth It?

The short answer is yes and no. From my own personal experience, I have not used a UV filter on my shark pond - which I have had set up for about 9 years now. However, when I was breeding Seahorses...

Are Fish Sentient?

For those of you who are just reading my content for the first time, for a good amount of my adult life I have been living with and caring for small species of benthic sharks. What started out as a...